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 Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)

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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeSat May 22, 2010 11:57 pm

so here is the banlsit: this is official as of march 2010

Forbidden (you cannot have a copy of these cards in your Deck, Side Deck or extra deck.. (collector's items lang)

Monster Cards

* Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning 「カオス・ソルジャー -開闢の使者-」
* Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End 「混沌帝龍 -終焉の使者-」
* Cyber-Stein 「デビルフランケン」
* Cyber Jar 「サイバーポッド」
* Dark Magician of Chaos 「混沌の黒魔術師」
* Dark Strike Fighter 「ダーク・ダイブ・ボンバー」
* Destiny Hero - Disk Commander 「D-HERO(デステニーヒーロー) ディスクガイ」
* Fiber Jar 「ファイバーポッド」
* Magical Scientist 「魔導サイエンティスト」
* Magician of Faith 「聖なる魔術師(セイント・マジシャン)」
* Makyura the Destructor 「処刑人-マキュラ」
* Sinister Serpent 「キラー・スネーク」
* Thousand-Eyes Restrict 「サウザンド・アイズ・サクリファイス」
* Tribe-Infecting Virus 「同族感染ウィルス」
* Tsukuyomi 「月読命(つくよみ)」
* Victory Dragon 「ヴィクトリー・ドラゴン」
* Witch of the Black Forest 「黒き森のウィッチ」
* Yata-Garasu 「八汰烏(やたがらす)」

Spell Cards

* Butterfly Dagger - Elma 「蝶の短剣-エルマ」
* Card of Safe Return 「生還の宝札」
* Cathedral of Nobles 「王家の神殿」
* Change of Heart 「心(こころ)変(か)わり」
* Confiscation 「押収」
* Dark Hole 「ブラック・ホール」
* Delinquent Duo 「いたずら好きな双子悪魔」
* Dimension Fusion 「次元融合」
* Graceful Charity 「天使の施し」
* Harpie's Feather Duster 「ハーピィの羽根帚」
* Last Will 「遺言状」
* Metamorphosis 「突然変異」
* Mirage of Nightmare 「悪夢の蜃気楼」
* Monster Reborn 「死者蘇生」
* Painful Choice 「苦渋の選択」
* Pot of Greed 「強欲な壺」
* Premature Burial「早(はや)すぎた埋葬(まいそう)」
* Raigeki 「サンダー・ボルト」
* Snatch Steal 「強奪」
* The Forceful Sentry 「強引な番兵」

Trap Cards

* Crush Card Virus 「死(し)のデッキ破壊(はかい)ウイルス」
* Exchange of the Spirit 「現世と冥界の逆転」
* Imperial Order 「王宮の勅命」
* Last Turn 「ラストバトル!」
* Ring of Destruction 「破壊輪」
* Sixth Sense 「第六感」
* Time Seal 「刻の封印」

Limited you can only have one copy of this card in your deck AND side deck or extra deck..

Monster Cards

* Black Rose Dragon 「ブラック・ローズ・ドラゴン」
* Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind 「BF-疾風のゲイル」
* Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier 「氷(ひょう)結(けっ)界(かい)の龍(りゅう) ブリューナク」 (TCG; From Unlimited)
* Card Trooper 「カードガンナー」
* Chaos Sorcerer 「カオス・ソーサラー」 (From Semi-Limited)
* Dark Armed Dragon 「ダーク・アームド・ドラゴン」
* Elemental Hero Stratos 「E・HERO(エレメンタルヒーロー)エアーマン」
* Exodia the Forbidden One 「封印されしエクゾディア」
* Gladiator Beast Bestiari 「剣闘獣(グラディアルビースト)ベストロウリィ」
* Gorz the Emissary of Darkness 「冥府の使者ゴーズ」
* Goyo Guardian 「ゴヨウ・ガーディアン」
* Left Arm of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の左足」
* Left Leg of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の左腕」
* Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner 「ライトロード・サモナー ルミナス」 (From Unlimited)
* Marshmallon 「マシュマロン」
* Mezuki 「馬頭鬼(めずき)」 (From Semi-Limited)
* Mind Master 「メンタルマスター」
* Morphing Jar 「メタモルポット」
* Necroface 「ネクロフェイス」 (From Semi-Limited)
* Necro Gardna 「ネクロ・ガードナー」 (From Unlimited)
* Neo-Spacian Grand Mole 「N・グランモール」
* Night Assailant 「深淵の暗殺者」
* Plaguespreader Zombie 「ゾンビキャリア」
* Rescue Cat 「レスキューキャット」
* Right Arm of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の右足」
* Right Leg of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の右腕」
* Sangan 「クリッター」
* Snipe Hunter 「スナイプ・ストーカー」
* Spirit Reaper 「魂を削る死霊」
* Summoner Monk 「召喚僧サモンプリースト」
* Tragoedia 「トラゴエディア」 (From Unlimited)

Spell Cards

* Advanced Ritual Art 「高等儀式術」
* Allure of Darkness 「闇(やみ)の誘(ゆう)惑(わく)」 (From Semi-Limited)
* Brain Control 「洗脳(せんのう)-ブレイン・コントロール-」
* Burial from a Different Dimension 「異次元からの埋葬」 (From Unlimited)
* Card Destruction 「手札抹殺」
* Charge of the Light Brigade 「光の援軍」 (From Unlimited)
* Cold Wave 「大寒波」
* Destiny Draw 「デステニー ・ ドロー」 (From Unlimited)
* Emergency Teleport 「緊急(きんきゅう)テレポート」
* Foolish Burial 「おろかな埋葬(まいそう)」 (From Semi-Limited)
* Future Fusion 「未来(みらい)融合(ゆうごう)-フューチャー・フュージョン」
* Giant Trunade 「ハリケーン」
* Heavy Storm 「大(おお)嵐(あらし)」
* Level Limit - Area B 「レベル制限B地区」
* Limiter Removal 「リミッター解除」
* Megamorph 「巨大化」
* Mind Control 「精神操作」
* Monster Gate 「モンスターゲート」
* Mystical Space Typhoon 「サイクロン」
* One for One 「ワン・フォー・ワン」
* Overload Fusion 「オーバーロードフューション」
* Reasoning 「名(めい)推(すい)理(り)」
* Reinforcement of the Army 「増援」
* Scapegoat 「スケープ・ゴート」
* Swords of Revealing Light 「光の護封剣」

Trap Cards

* Call of the Haunted 「リビングデッドの呼(よ)び声(こえ)」
* Ceasefire 「停戦協定」
* Gravity Bind 「グラヴィティ・バインド-超重力の網-」
* Return from the Different Dimension 「異(い)次(じ)元(げん)からの帰(き)還(かん)」
* Magic Cylinder 「魔法の筒」
* Magical Explosion 「マジカル・エクスプロージョン」 (From Unlimited)
* Mind Crush 「マインドクラッシュ」 (From Semi-Limited)
* Mirror Force 「聖(せい)なるバリア‐ミラーフォース」
* Ojama Trio 「おジャマトリオ」
* Solemn Judgment 「神の宣告」
* The Transmigration Prophecy 「転生の予言」
* Torrential Tribute 「激(げき)流(りゅう)葬(そう)」
* Trap Dustshoot 「ダスト・シュート」
* Wall of Revealing Light 「光の護封壁」

Semi-Limited you can only have 2 copies of these in your deck or extra deck

Monster Cards

* Cyber Dragon 「サイバー・ドラゴン」 (From Limited)
* Dandylion 「ダンディライオン」 (From Limited)
* Demise, King of Armageddon 「終焉の王デミス」 (From Limited)
* Destiny Hero - Malicious 「D-HERO(デステニーヒーロー) ディアボリックガイ」
* Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier 「氷結界の虎王ドゥローレン」
* Goblin Zombie 「ゴブリンゾンビ」
* Honest 「オネスト」 (From Unlimited)
* Judgment Dragon 「裁きの龍(ジャッジメント・ドラグーン)」
* Lonefire Blossom 「ローンファイア・ブロッサム」
* Treeborn Frog 「黄泉ガエル」 (From Limited)

[edit] Spell Cards

* Black Whirlwind 「黒い旋風」 (From Unlimited)
* Chain Strike 「連鎖爆撃」
* Gold Sarcophagus 「封印の黄金櫃」
* Magical Stone Excavation 「魔法石の採掘」
* United We Stand 「団結の力」 (From Limited)

[edit] Trap Cards

* Bottomless Trap Hole 「奈落の落とし穴」
* Royal Decree 「王宮のお触れ」 (From Unlimited)
* Royal Oppression 「王宮の弾圧」 (From Unlimited)
* Skill Drain 「スキルドレイン」 (From Unlimited)
* Ultimate Offering 「血の代償」
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 12:01 am

i noticed daghan nag change. nawala ang marauding capt sa semi.. pati nobleman of crossout. Smile
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 12:03 am

jays0n wrote:
i noticed daghan nag change. nawala ang marauding capt sa semi.. pati nobleman of crossout. Smile
whoa karaan na siguro kaayo imung nakita na list XD hehehe dugay na sila naunlimit..

for more card infos chec out: (ayaw lang pagsalig diri for rulings ha)
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 12:05 am

oh my God outdated na jud kaau mi! wahahaha. how shameful of me hahaha
tnx tnx keu sa pag post..

and yeah. sure. Smile
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 12:07 am

heheh ana jud na sa pagstart sa community, in cooperation there is growth always hehehe
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 1:09 am

wooo excited nko sa september unsa kaya ang ma banned sa sept..hahaha
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 3:05 pm

pag sure mo na i-follow gyud ninyo ni... si aster gani ga gamit ug dark hole
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 3:14 pm

na shock gani ko nganong naa toy dark hole. fake pajud. ahahaha
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 3:18 pm

Unta mag yugioh seminar tah buh... T_T Question

Maygali naa tay information...
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PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 3:19 pm

kuya crow ask lang ko , when gani mamalik silang kuya prince dri sa CDO? galibog man jud ko sa mga dates ui, daghan na keu cosplay events.
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 3:21 pm

la baya ko kabalo. .try lang nako maguban ana na time.. pero dili ko sure.. klase man gud nako..
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 3:22 pm

AHW ok ok .tnx tnx. Smile wanna see his tae deck na. hahaha
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 3:24 pm

hirap pa tu iyaha ang cards na need niya sa july pa marelease ang uban heheh and mahal; ang iyang synchros..
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 3:24 pm

hahaha... uiee... yugi gus2 musuut a2ng power ranger nga costume sa gaisano.. hahaha lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 9:52 pm

I predict that infernity gun will be limited to one and red eyes darknessmetaldragon go down to one muahahah XD
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 01, 2010 5:19 pm

I wish they are limited to one. heheh tama si earlkyo: kusog kaayo sila, they should be banned. proxy nlng ta^^
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 01, 2010 5:32 pm

eheheh pero lingaw man if you go up against deck types like that ahahahah
thats im running gravekeepers para ma slown down nko ang infernities and dragons Very Happy
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 01, 2010 5:45 pm

AW aggro nlng lagi para wla gud ma himo^^
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PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 01, 2010 5:47 pm

aw ehehehe depende man gyud na sa deck build ahahaha
Very Happy
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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)   Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september) Icon_minitime

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Banlist as of March 2010 (banlist changes every march and september)
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